Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Should We Pray?

Are our prayers filled with requests from God to help and rescue us?

In the Bible, David not only prayed for rescue, but he also prayed for achievement and victory!

We should recognize God is not going to grant our every wish. He is GOD, and we should worship Him, love Him, and love His people. When we look at praying as a way of communication (2-way), it helps us ask questions rather than make requests.

"How can God give me victory over this situation?"

Psalm 108:13  - "With God's help we will do mighty things, for He will trample down our foes."

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Be Generous?

Ever heard of the phrase, "more money, more problems"?

Being generous helps cure these problems. It not only keeps your attitude in check, but also helps other people!

Keep this in mind as you begin the new year! And remember to always keep God first in every aspect of your life, including finances! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Who Gets the Praise?

We ask God for a lot of help...
Help me do well on my presentation. Help me get an A in College Algebra.  Help me impress my boss so I can get a raise. The list goes on and on.

Before you ask God...
Consider who will get the praise and credit, if these prayers are answered? If God answers our prayers and we do well on the presentation, make an A in math class, and finally get a raise; are we going to give God the credit, or are we going to say:
"The presentation wasn't too bad, I did great with no help from anyone!"
"That math test was a lot easier than I thought it would be."
"It's about time my boss realized how important I am."

The truth...
Is that you obviously need to put forth a reasonable amount of effort in everything you do, but we need to realize, every good thing comes from God.
-He is the one who helped you with the presentation.
-He is the one that gave you the knowledge and ability to successfully study for the math test.
-He is the one who put you in the position to receive the bonus or raise.

Our response...
Should be gratitude towards God. He should receive the credit for these things He did for us! In everything we do, give thanks to God! He is around us every moment of every day.

Bible Verses:

1 Thessalonians 5:18   "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (King James - Cambridge Edition)

James 1:17  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..."  (New International Version)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Show Thanks to God

If we take a look at our lives, we realize God has done a LOT for us! We should at least show thanks for what He has done and  tell others about His goodness!

Psalm 107:1 says "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

What has God done for you this past week? Is there something you can tell others about?
Remember, "Every good and perfect gift is from God our Father..." - James 1:17

Monday, December 19, 2011

Why is Christmas Important?

This holiday season, remember why Christmas is even being celebrated.

Running through the mall and buying presents is important to a lot of people, but just remember Jesus Christ is the one who deserves our attention the most.  He is the reason Christmas is a holiday!

Christmas falls on a Sunday this year (2011) and I encourage you all to attend a local church service!

Enjoy your time with friends and family!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Luke 12:15 - "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."  (NIV)

We need to be careful when it comes to greed, the Bible clearly tells us the results:

1 Timothy 6:9 - "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction."

It seems like a lot of times, we make excuses for our greed and ultimately deny it. Greed is a sin just like any other, and at some point, we all struggle with it. In fact, we might say, "I'm not greedy, I tithe my 10% and support a missionary!" We sometimes make these excuses of what the underlying issue might be. We all have some sort of greed in us, it's our sin nature.

The Solution:

Well the only solution to sin is Jesus Christ, but even after He becomes our Lord and Savior, we will still sin. The best way to help with your struggles in greed is to read about what the Bible says about it! There are many more verses that talk about money and possessions; after reading some of these verses, you will be able to quickly point out greed so you can take steps to avoid it!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Become Like a Servant

In our relationships with one another, we should have the same mindset as Jesus:

   He was in the same nature as God, but did not consider His equality with God to be used for His own advantage. Instead, He made Himself nothing by taking the nature of a servant, but He was still humble and obedient.  - Philippians 2:5-8

When we look at our own life and relationships with God and others, are we acting as a servant?
Are we humble in our life situation?
Are we obedient to God and those in authority over us?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sin and Forgiveness

Ever feel like you sin too much for God to forgive you?

Or maybe, that your sins are too big and God will choose not to forgive you?

The truth is that God can forgive you, no matter how much you sin or how big the sin is. He not only CAN forgive you, but He also WILL forgive you. All you have to do is ask! Everyone is capable of receiving God's forgiveness.

Psalm 65:3 "Though we are overwhelmed by our sins, You forgive them all."