Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It seems like relationships have the power to make us the most happy people in the world, or the most depressed. They have an overwhelming power over us and our attitude, that is why we must be careful how much we let relationships affect us.  When we go through these hard times, we tend to tell God, "I need him because he makes me happy" or "God, i need this girl!".  We act as if we know more than God does, and we know who would be best for us. The reality is, our "best" may just be average for God's "best". If we truly commit to following Jesus and allow Him to work in our lives, we will find ourselves in a relationship that is better than any of us could even imagine! 

God designed us to have relationships, not only with our spouse and friends, but with Him. Sometimes I think, "Whenever i'm longing for that person to call or show interest in me, I bet God feels the same way... but only wanting ME to show interest in HIM." God loves us A LOT. Some of you are dealing with a spouse or bf/gf cheating on you. That is such a hard thing to go through, there are so many emotions involved and the feeling that they don't love you. It kind of makes me wonder, what if... every time we deliberately disobeyed God or put other things before Him, He felt like we were cheating on Him??? We do that all the time... And He still loves us. If you read the Home page of www.theprayerpeople.org it talks a little bit more about His love - specifically when Peter denied Jesus. 

Someone once told me, "the grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it" As you all live your daily lives, remember, God is always with us. He hears YOUR prayers and knows exactly what your going through. Just as steel needs to go through fire to get purified, we need to go through our own "fires" for God to purify us!

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